Friday, January 3, 2014

It's a Color, It's a Neutral... No, It's Yellow!

First off, I would like to share how EXCITED I was to put this look together! Thanks to one of the many amazing fashion followers, a request for yellow pants was born. Although, I don't own yellow pants {yet}, I happened to grab this pencil skirt for 50% off last spring.
Please feel free to send your requests on Facebook, Instagram, or simply comment on any blog post... we want to share our love of fashion, beauty, and all things pretty with you! So, what are you thinking? Have any fashion dilemmas? Simply want to learn a new way to apply a trend or beauty tip? Either way, we want to hear about it!

Chambray here for $15!? // Sequins Express similar here // Skirt Limited-old similar here // Tights Spanx // Shoes Target-old similar here and love these // Bracelets Michael Kors and Target // Earrings here //

Here is the beauty of the color yellow {and many others}, it can double as a color or a neutral. Choosing to use it as a color or neutral is YOUR decision! More importantly, it can change everytime you throw in a pop of yellow.

This outfit I chose it as my main focal point (color). How do you know? Look at the other elements of the outfit. All of the other colors are neutrals... chambray, bronze, brown, and gold. As I mentioned, although some of those colors can be a focal point, the bright yellow skirt outshines even the bronze sparkle.

Since yellow is so versatile, try using it as a neutral. Match it with a patterned top (in this case) that mixes in a bit of yellow. The green top below has a touch of yellow and black. (One word of caution: beware of too much black and yellow insert black and yellow theme song here-.... for obvious bumble bee reasons). 

If you want to stick with a solid color, this "mustardy" yellow would pair well with deep jewel tones like emerald or ruby. If you have a brighter shade, yellow and navy make great partners.

Yes, we can get very artsy and talk about the color wheel combinations, but I find the easiest way to find a color match is to test it out! I try to balance the bright with the rich colors, but there are always exceptions to the rule--so take it for a test drive!

Thank you for reading and inspiring this post!


For more fashion posts, follow us on Instagram @KelseyMKipp and @Courtney_m_b

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