Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Style Envy: Olivia Pope

Being the style obsessed person that I am (no shame in my obsession, BTW), I pull ideas and inspiration from so many sources. Instagram, Pinterest, street style, magazines, TV, movies, etc. Every once in a while I come across a person whose style seems so effortless, so chic, so classic, so PERFECT, that it amazes me. 

Following a Netflix marathon (I had too many snow days...) of Scandal, I found myself equally drawn to Olivia Pope's style as I was to the crazy plot (I mean...CRAAAAZY). Holy chic, simple, classic and gorgeous, is all I have to say! So, let's just bask in the glory that is...Olivia Pope (as portrayed by Kerry Washington). 

(By the way...I certainly can't buy the clothes that she wears, so I have found similar items at a reasonable price!)

Why do I love her and her clothing so much? Let me spell it out for you...

White on Neutrals
Olivia Pope knows what she wants and likes and she owns it 100%. Her white and neutral clothing could look a little blah hanging on a rack. But, when she wears it strutting around DC like a rockstar, it is more eye-catching than any pop of color could ever be. She reminds us that clean, cool, light colors, when worn the right way, ARE the most eye-catching colors. Wearing these hues in a sea of rainbow colors exudes confidence and power. Something about a crisp, white outfit says, "I have my stuff together, my clothing does not define me, white after Labor Day does not apply to me, and I never spill coffee or food on myself." (lol...but really)

She has perfected the white suit!
Similar here
Neutrals are not boring.
Similar blouse
Similar pants

Excuse me while I stare at these gloves...forever!
Similar pair here

Olivia Pope never wears big, statement jewelry (I still LOVE my statement jewelry, don't worry). She doesn't do crazy layering (I still LOVE this, too). She always looks perfectly tailored and chic. And can we talk about her PERFECT outerwear. There are no words for how much I love her coats! Her neutral colored coats with clean, tailored lines, speak for themselves. In terms of less is more, Olivia Pope has it "handled" (sorry for the cheesy Scandal reference...actually no I'm not).

THIS Burberry jacket is everything.
Similar here

Love this look.
Similar here

Perfect white trench.
Similar here

Love this cape jacket with long gloves.
Similar without a belt here and here

Like her clothing, Olivia Pope's makeup is simple, classic, and neutral. I happen to like a little makeup variety. I am all for a bright lip with a simple eye one day, and a great smokey eye with a neutral lip the next. Like everything in her life (except for her love life, like most of us), Olivia knows exactly what she likes and wants when it comes to her makeup. A clean, simple eye, highlighted cheek, and a neutral lip is all she needs. 

PJ Party
I love Olivia Pope for a million reasons. But, the perfection that is her pajamas is in the top ten, for sure. I mean, who wears silk pants to bed every night. I'm lucky if my PJ's even match (don't judge unless you wear PJ's like Olivia, okay?). 

Silk PJs.
Similar here

Enough said. 

Long stem wine glasses here

Now I want to buy all of similar looks! Uh oh!Whose style has inspired you lately?


Check us out in Instagram at @ Courtney_m_b & KelseyMKipp

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